Finally, there’s Scalesworn Patrol – who shows up in some of these lists but not others. Just Desserts is also just mediocre, but the deck wants a bit of hard removal and Defiance isn’t playable given that most of our gameplan prevents enemies from attacking in the first place. Jada is alright, but the fact that a lategame Jada is a brick does mean he comes with his own issues.

To pay for our vastly improved powerbase (which also has runes/sketches as freebies), we do have to pay by the inclusion of a few less than ideal cards. Is not playing Seal caution or cowardice? I’m not sure. You also gain the ability to play Seal of Devotion – whilst it can interrupt Sediti plays, the advantage you gain from a warped-in Seal is also very substantial. Mono-Justice means that we get to play Veteran Mercenary, which is a fairly solid 4-drop that keeps us able to move into the late-game properly. Icaria comes in as a solid mid-game play and proactive move against slower opponents, whilst the rest of the deck really depends on what additional factions you want to play. Combine that with 8x easy market access given by Winchest Merchant and Etchings, and we’ll always be able to pull Big Svetya from the market for turn 8, without sacrificing the ability to pull silver bullets from the market to solve any pressing issues. Fairly core to the deck is the solid maindeck top-end we pack, in Sediti and Lightbringer (alongside the occasional Plating), as well as the bundle of units stapled to interaction that are Argenport Noble, Enforcer, and Magniventris. The core goal of any Eggs deck is to stall to the late-game where Svetya is able to run away with the game, whilst playing the tempo game well enough to be able to punish any slackers. To start things off, let’s have a look at what straight justice, with no addons, looks like: “Plain Eggs” The whole archetype revolves around the fact that Big Svetya requires a high density of Justice-flavoured units to make up your deck, which means there’s actually a high degree of flexibility in what faction you pair up with the core justice framework.

Much to many an MtG historian’s chagrin, the name seems to be sticking. In the recent Cold Hunt LCQ, Avyoine managed to get to the top 4 with a decklist that Mail (a fellow The Barbarian Camp teammate) had been hyping up as the mysterious “Eggs” deck, giving no secrets away as to what TBC had come up with behind the scenes.Ĭome the day of the tournament, and the decklists were unveiled: both Mail and Avyoine had brought Combrei Ramp to the tournament – but not Relics! You see, the name “Eggs” turned out to have originated from how Svetya, Merciful Orene grants your units a protective Aegis – which looks like an egg, cracks under pressure, but protects the internals – much like an Eggshell. We must get the hammer back now.Recently in the world of Eternal, Justice Midrange has been picking up in traction. Mikanikos says: We shall have words later. Took them away! Could only save your goliath. Mikanikos says: Sika, I left you in charge! Where are my forgehands? Sika says: The Forsworn overran us. At the Eternal Forge, Mikanikos and Sika are looking at an Unfinished Goliath: Head to the northern part of the zone - the nearest flight path is at Sagehaven. They must not harm my sacred Phaestus too! Polemarch Adrestes says: Retrieving Phaestus is of utmost importance. Mikanikos says: Come, ! Who knows how the Forsworn abuse my forge. Must find Phaestus and halt their operation! ! Can you believe what the Forsworn have done to my forge? You must meet Mikanikos at the forge, push back the Forsworn, and retrieve Phaestus for our own uses.

The Forsworn have taken over this forge to create their own endless centurion army. It sits at the shrine to the First Forgelite in the Eternal Forge. He will require Phaestus, Genesis of Aeons, Hammer of the First Forgelite. The Forgelite Prime has taken up the mantle of building our new Crest of Ascension.